Solar Panel Cleaning in Coachella Valley, CA, and Surrounding Areas

Solar panels are an expensive investment, and a regular cleaning schedule will keep them performing at maximum capacity. They are vulnerable to the build-up of dirt, grime, dust, organic debris, and bird droppings over time, which makes them look unsightly and lowers their ability to generate electricity. Dirty panels lose up to 25% of their energy, and solar panel cleaning involves safely removing any build-up that prevents the solar panels from operating correctly.

Periodic cleaning keeps the solar panels spotless, allowing maximum solar energy absorption and increased energy output. Professional cleaners have the equipment and manufacturer-approved cleaning agents to perform proper cleaning, maintain the warranty, and prolong their lifespan. Besides removing larger debris and cleaning the panels, the professionals inspect the system for minor damages and other repair needs.

SG Electrical provides excellent solar panel cleaning services in Coachella Valley and surrounding areas.

Benefits of Cleaning Solar Panels

  • Improve Efficiency

    Dirty solar panels lower the sunlight absorbed by the panels, reducing their efficiency. While solar panels are susceptible to losing their efficiency over time, a lack of cleaning can cause them to degrade sooner than expected. Solar panel cleaning can make a significant difference to their overall efficiency. Regular cleaning can improve the efficiency of residential solar panels by up to 30% and commercial solar panels by up to 60%.

  • Increase Durability

    Although solar panels are highly durable, the build-up of dust particles, debris, soft sand grains, or other coarse particles can decrease efficiency and accelerate wear and tear, causing them to fail prematurely. Cleaning solar panels increases the system’s lifespan and durability. Professionals can also use specialized cleaning products to protect the solar panel surface from dirt and debris damage.

  • Improve Return on Investment Timeframe

    Solar panel installation involves investing a lot of money, and property owners want a good ROI as soon as possible. A significant benefit of cleaning the solar panels is the improved ROI time. Dirty and underperforming solar panels will mean property owners lose money. Regular cleaning helps improve the solar panel efficiency by improving the amount of light reaching the cells, thereby reducing the time needed for desired results.

How Often to Clean Solar Panels

Experts advise regularly cleaning the solar panels to maintain optimal efficiency and functioning. Solar companies recommend cleaning the panels once or twice yearly to eliminate the build-up. However, the frequency of solar panel cleaning largely depends on the local environment, conditions, and individual preferences. Areas with lower rainfall or a lot of air pollution may require more frequent solar panel cleaning than areas with high rainfall and less pollution. The more debris is allowed to build up on the panels, the more challenging it becomes to clean them.

Consider cleaning the solar panels upon noticing debris, significant pollen build-up, a dust layer, or a significant decline in the system’s efficiency. The sooner a property owner cleans the panels, the less likely they will experience problems with the efficiency. Cleaning the panels once or twice a year has been linked to significant improvement in energy output than panels dependent only on rainfall for cleaning. Professional solar cleaners can inspect the system and determine the best cleaning frequency for specific solar panels.

Our Reviews

SG Electrical provides complete solar panel cleaning assistance to residential and commercial property owners in Coachella Valley, CA.

Our trained, insured technicians ensure a safe, prompt, and efficient solar panel cleaning job to keep the system operating at maximum levels, lower utility bills, and reduce carbon emissions. Call us to request a solar panel cleaning quote or schedule a service.